Breast Surgery

About Breast Surgery

Year more than 70,000 in Japan has been diagnosed with breast cancer. It accounts for 20% of all cancers and is the most common part of cancer in women. It is characteristic that from the second half of 4 0 generations to play an important role there is a peak of incidence in the 50s early in the society.

For breast cancer treatment at our hospital, we hope that specialists, Registered Nurse, radiologists, Pharmacist Radiation Oncology Surgery, Diagnostic Radiology, pathological diagnosis, and radiotherapy will cooperate to provide the latest medical care. I am aiming. Evidence-based medicine is the basis, but the same treatment may not be appropriate for all patients. We will consider the patient's wishes and lifestyle, and decide on treatment after consulting with the patient.

In addition, the improvement in survival rate due to recent advances in breast cancer treatment brings about various difficulties such as complications associated with surgery, side effects of long-term drug therapy, anxiety about recurrence, employment problems and financial problems. Multi-professionals work together to support these issues, centered on certified breast cancer nursing Registered Nurse


Diseases diagnosed by breast Surgery

We mainly treat breast cancer and also deal with benign diseases such as mastitis and mastopathy.


Medical treatment contents and features

About breast cancer screening



Breast cancer screening abnormality (detailed examination)

We carry out detailed examinations when abnormalities are pointed out during examinations at other facilities. We strive for rapid diagnosis by determining benign or malignant by imaging tests such as ultrasonography, breast tomosynthesis, and MRI, and pathological tests such as cytology, needle biopsy, and excision biopsy for lesions. In stereo-guided suction needle biopsy, the introduction of a breast tomosynthesis device shortens the examination time and reduces the burden on the patient.


Breast tomosynthesis test

Breast tomosynthesis is a three-dimensional imaging technique that scans a compressed breast in a short time and collects images from multiple angles. Conventional two-dimensional mammography has the disadvantage that the lesion and surrounding tissue overlap due to the density and thickness of the mammary gland, but in the breast tomosynthesis test, the tissue overlap can be reduced, so a highly accurate test is performed. It will be possible. It is a test that can be expected to have many effects such as an increase in diagnostic accuracy, a decrease in the re-examination rate, and identification of the lesion position in 3D. Similar to mammography, you may feel pain when compressing your breasts when shooting. If you have breast augmentation, please be sure to inform us because the possibility of damage to the contents and the range that can be diagnosed are limited. After interviewing, we will decide whether it is possible. Also, if you have a pacemaker, you may not be able to undergo an inspection in principle because the position may shift due to pressure during shooting and the lead wire may be hindered.



About Breast Cancer Treatment

Breast cancer is thought to range from a condition with a strong tendency as a local disease to a condition with a strong tendency as a systemic disease. Local treatment (surgery and radiation therapy) is important when there is a strong tendency for local diseases, but drug therapy is important for conditions where there is a strong tendency for systemic diseases. We perform surgery according to the nature and spread of the cancer, predict the possibility that minute cancer cells have spread to the whole body from the pathological results, systemic therapy (chemotherapy, hormone therapy, molecular targeted therapy), local treatment ( Radiation therapy, additional surgery) is being performed.


Surgical therapy

Surgery is divided into partial mastectomy, in which a part of the breast is removed from the site where the cancer is present, and mastectomy, in which the entire breast including the areola of the nipple is removed. Mastectomy is selected when the cancer has spread widely because the main premise of surgery is not to leave the cancer behind. Even for large tumors for which mastectomy is recommended, partial mastectomy may be possible if the tumor shrinks with preoperative medication.

The length of hospital stay is 5​ ​days regardless of the surgical procedure (4 days if hospitalized on the day of surgery).


Sentinel lymph node biopsy

The sentinel lymph node is defined as the lymph node where breast cancer cells first reach from within the breast and is often found in the axillary fat. A series of tests in which the sentinel lymph nodes are removed during surgery and examined under a microscope for the presence of cancer cells (presence or absence of metastases) is called a sentinel lymph node biopsy. If there are no cancer cells in the sentinel lymph node, it is considered that there is no metastasis in other lymph nodes, so axillary lymph node dissection is not performed. At our hospital, we perform sentinel lymph node biopsy using the radioisotope (RI) / dye combination method, which provides high accuracy.

Drug therapy

Anti-cancer drugs, endocrine therapy, molecular-targeted therapies, etc. are administered according to the purpose of treatment and the medical condition. Preoperative chemotherapy to reduce lumps before surgery, postoperative chemotherapy or endocrine therapy to eradicate cancer cells lurking somewhere in the body after surgery, other from the beginning It can be divided into treatments for metastases to organs and for treatment of recurrence.

Pharmacotherapy is performed at our hospital or Saiseikai Kanagawa Prefectural Hospital.

About regional medical cooperation

Cancer regional alliances pass

The "Cancer Regional Cooperation Pass" is a joint cooperation with medical institutions (general hospitals and clinics) as a family doctor after receiving treatment such as surgery and chemotherapy at our Cancer Medical Cooperation Hub Hospital It is a tool for continuing seamless cancer treatment by sharing the patient's treatment plan, test results, and treatment progress when continuing medical treatment after that.
By using the Cancer Regional Cooperation Pass, you can expect to shorten the hospital visit time, reduce the hospital visit cost, and shorten the waiting time for medical examination. In addition, by having multiple doctors consult you, you will be able to consult with us about illnesses other than cancer and illnesses that you already have. It is easy to understand the treatment plan and progress, and duplicate examinations and medications can be avoided.

Medical treatment results

Changes in the number of breast cancer surgeries

Untitled 6

Staff introduction

Chief Physician
Makoto​ ​Sumazaki
Toho University, 2010 graduate

Specialized field

Breast Surgery / Gastroenterological Surgery

Areas of specialization

Breast cancer surgery, breast cancer drug therapy, team medicine

Board specialist / certified doctor

Japan Surgical Society Specialist
Breast cancer doctor certified by the Japan Breast Cancer Society
Japan Breast Cancer Screening Quality Control Center Screening Mammography Radiological Technologist
Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Clinical Training Supervisor


First-visit appointment online and by phone (some clinical department) ・
You can change/confirm/cancel your reservation.

Consultation / inquiry

Information on the consultation desk and how to contact us
You can see it.