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Saiseikai Yokohamashi Tobu Hospital is located in Tsurumi Ward in Yokohama City.
It is a highly-acute care hospital.
We will open up new horizons for medical treatment with everyone in this region.
Our hospital promotes the use of generic drugs and prescription of generic names.
Request regarding new coronavirus infection
NEW11/14(木)午後、11/15(金)終日 リプロダクション外来休診のお知らせ
Request regarding new coronavirus infection
NEW11/14(木)午後、11/15(金)終日 リプロダクション外来休診のお知らせ
Our hospital promotes the use of generic drugs and prescription of generic names.
Starting in October 2024, a new system for self-payment when receiving medicines at outpatient pharmacies will be implemented.
Announcement of the 1st Yokohama City Tsurumi Area Chemotherapy Drug Collaboration Conference in 2024
Detection of Potentially Carcinogenic Substances in Amoxapine Preparations (2nd Report)
Regarding the detection of “potentially carcinogenic substances” in formulations containing sitagliptin
We have launched an Instagram account for the Pediatric Primary Care Certified Registered Nurse Education Course.
[Now on sale] "You can start today! Physical assessment for nutritional management: From basic vital signs to the evaluation of edema and malnutrition, with online videos"
[Participants wanted] 2025 Registered Nurse Special Practice Training Open Campus and Information Session
[Released on May 27th] "Protect your life from heat stroke"
Now accepting applications for the 2025 Entrance Exam Briefing for the Certified Registered Nurse Education Program in Pediatric Primary Care
[Media information] Director of Patient Support Center Hideki Taniguchi, will appear on TV Asahi's "Masahiro Nakai's Saturday Gathering" from 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, August 31st
[Media Information] Director of Patient Support Center Hideki Taniguchi, will appear on TBS's "Health Capsule! Genki no Jikan" on Sunday, August 4th at 7:00am.
NEWSAMURAI style DCA live Course 2024のご案内
NEW【参加者募集】10/14(祝・月)婦人科エキスパートが伝える キズのない治療 【市民公開講座】
NEW【イベント報告】令和6年度 脳卒中予防後援会「脳卒中にならないために 今からできること」
【イベント報告】市民公開講座「心臓の健康を考えよう 心不全の基礎知識」
NEW【参加者募集】10/14(祝・月)婦人科エキスパートが伝える キズのない治療 【市民公開講座】
NEW【イベント報告】令和6年度 脳卒中予防後援会「脳卒中にならないために 今からできること」
【イベント報告】市民公開講座「心臓の健康を考えよう 心不全の基礎知識」
[Participants wanted] Wednesday, October 16th: Open lecture on osteoporosis [Open lecture on osteoporosis]