Acute hospital

Hospitals that played a role in the eastern region

Our hospital was established in 2007 as a result of the Yokohama City Comprehensive Plan "Yokohama 21st Century Plan", which requires the establishment of a core hospital for acute care in the eastern region. As a general hospital, we are always aiming for "one step ahead of medical care" so that we can provide cutting-edge medical care to the local people. In order for our hospital to function as a critical care center responsible for high-acute medical care, it is necessary to always reserve an empty bed for emergency patients. Therefore, we ask patients who have completed emergency treatment and are in stable condition to be transferred to a partner hospital in Tsurumi Ward.

Click here for details on "Critical Center"

The role of Tobu Hospital
We at Tobu Hospital are practicing regional cooperation for patients.

History of severe trauma treatment

Yokohama City Severe Trauma Center, which inherits 50 years of trauma treatment technology from Saikai

Due to the increase in casualties from traffic accidents, Kanagawa Prefecture designated Kanagawa Prefectural Hospital as the Kanagawa Prefectural Traffic Emergency Center, a life-saving emergency facility to treat trauma victims from traffic accidents, in 1965. Kanagawa Prefectural Hospital is a historic hospital that was established in 1913 as the first hospital of the Saiseikai, to which our hospital belongs.
When our hospital was established, the acute care functions that had been handled by Kanagawa Prefectural Hospital were transferred to our hospital, and at the same time, we also took over the trauma treatment techniques that had been accumulated there. Then, in the fall of 2014, in response to a request from Yokohama City, which was promoting the development of an emergency medical system, we opened the Yokohama City Severe Trauma Center within our hospital. We accept patients with severe injuries from traffic accidents and multiple trauma 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and provide life-saving procedures and treatment.

Social welfare corporation Onshi Foundation Saiseikai Yokohamashi Tobu HospitalThe origin of the doctor is here

Showa 40
Saiseikai Kanagawa Prefectural Hospital

Saiseikai Group

Japan's largest social welfare law to save the needy and protect "life"

From Nari to now

In 1911, after the Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese Wars, many people were suffering from poverty, and Emperor Meiji issued the Imperial Rescript on the Welfare of the People (※), proposing the creation of an organization that would provide medical support to the poor. In the same year, the then Prime Minister, Taro Katsura, received the order from the Emperor and founded the Imperial Gift Foundation, to which our hospital belongs. At the time, clinics were set up all over the country, and free special medical vouchers were distributed to poor households, and medical examinations and health guidance were provided in slums.
The first hospital, Kanagawa Prefectural Hospital, was opened in 1913, and other hospitals were opened one after another, expanding the activities throughout the country. After World War II, the hospital restarted as a social welfare corporation, and is now designated as a public medical institution, operating as Japan's largest social welfare corporation with its headquarters in Tokyo and branches in all 40 prefectures.

* Imperial Rescription on Medical Care
A royal speech issued by the Emperor Meiji on February 11, 1884, with the intention of "saving people who cannot receive medical treatment due to hardships, etc."

Three goals set by the society

  • Get rid of the needy
  • Protecting local life with medical care
  • Providing seamless services for medical care and welfare

With the above three goals, we have set up a "Free/Low- cost Medical Service (*)" for life protection recipients, etc., and free home-visit medical care, health examinations, vaccinations, etc. for those who are having trouble with their lives. A comprehensive service that links medical care, health, and welfare to the hospital with the latest medical equipment, advanced technology, and generous nursing, such as the "Nadeshiko Plan," which supports the needy people. We are aiming to provide.

Free/Low- cost Medical Service
Free low-cost medical service means medical expenses, etc., with the aim of guaranteeing appropriate medical care for those who may have difficulty in medical treatment due to illness or who have difficulty receiving medical care due to financial reasons. It is a business that provides medical care by exempting some or all of the payments.

Click here for details on the "Free low-cost medical service system"

leading-edge cancer treatment

Providing advanced medical care as a Cancer Medical Cooperation Hub Hospital

We designated as a "cancer medical treatment cooperation hub hospital" on August 6, 2014. A cancer treatment cooperation hub hospital has designated requirements such as having a specialist in cancer and having a system to provide multidisciplinary treatment and palliative care that effectively combines surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has designated the hospitals to be able to provide high-quality cancer medical care anywhere in the country.

Providing the best treatment for each patient

We focuse on "complete cure" and emphasize raise QOL (quality of life) of patients such as "less pain", "short hospitalization", and "quick recovery". We are also actively engaged in such efforts. In addition, we have established a system that can provide high-level cutting-edge medical care.

  • Low Burden
    Less pain
  • Short
  • Quicker
    Recovery​ ​
Why short hospitalization be better?
It is said that the shorter the length of stay, the higher the therapeutic ability of the medical institution. It is said that safe and efficient medical care is provided by high clinical management ability, and it is one of the indicators for choosing a hospital.

Click here for details on "Cancer Initiatives" at Tobu Hospital

Disaster medical center hospital

A hospital that plays a central role in community medicine in the event of a large-scale disaster

Our hospital is designated as a "disaster medical center hospital". A disaster medical center hospital is a hospital that serves as a local medical institution in the event of a large-scale disaster and can receive critically ill patients. We also provide high-level life-saving medical care, receive critically ill patients from the disaster area, dispatch medical relief teams to the disaster area, and transport the injured and sick to a wide area. In addition, it has been designated as a "Kanagawa DMAT Designated Hospital" from March 2010 and as a "Kanagawa DMAT-L Designated Hospital" from February 2015.
In order to be fully prepared in the event of a disaster, we are actively implementing seminars and training, as well as enhancing equipment such as uninterruptible power supplies. A total of about 700 people, including neighboring medical institutions, medical associations, governments, schools, and self-governing associations, participated in the "Tsurumi Ward Disaster Medical Training (conducted in January 2016)" assuming a wide-area catastrophic disaster caused by an earthquake directly beneath the capital. I received it.

What is DMAT / DMAT-L?
DMAT is an abbreviation for "Disaster Medical Assistance Team". DMART-L is an abbreviation for "Disaster Medical Assistance Team Local". DMAT responds to wide-area disasters, but DMAT-L focuses on activities in disaster-stricken areas in the prefecture. Only 3 hospitals including our hospital are designated hospitals for both DMAT and DMAT-L in Kanagawa prefecture.

Tobu Hospital DMAT in the Great East Japan Earthquake

At the time of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, our hospital dispatched a medical relief team to Minamisanriku Town, Miyagi Prefecture as a disaster medical base hospital. The medical relief team is made up with doctors, Registered Nurse, Pharmacist, and coordinating Administrative Staff clinical department and departments. In collaboration with other Saikai hospitals in Kanagawa prefecture, from March to 42, 2011, a total of 98 staff members and a joint team of 14 teams will work together at the temporary clinic set up in the evacuation center in the disaster area. I was treated for the medical treatment. In addition to outpatient clinics, we also actively provided interviews to evacuees, guidance for public health, and mobile clinics to nearby lonely villages.

At our hospital, we are building a disaster-resistant hospital without forgetting the experiences and lessons learned at that time. From 2012, training at local medical facilities has been added to the clinical training program for residents. By working in an environment with limited facilities, we cultivate the ability to think, judge, and act on our own.