[Research and Achievements] Anesthesiology


2014/4/1 - 2024/09/06

Research Papers

First author / co-author Title Magazine Volume and Issue page Release date
Keishi Miyazawa, Anju Murayama, Sae Kamamoto, Haruki Shigeta, Hinari Kugo, Kenichi Higuchi, Yuki Senoo Financial conflicts of interest in Japanese obstetrics and gynaecology clinical practice guidelines Clinical and Translational Discovery Volume 4, Issue 1, e273 https://doi.org/10.1002/ctd2.273, DOI: 10.22541/au.165025805.58698486/v1 2024/1
Takanori Sato, Tomomi Ueda, Aya Sakuma, Tomoyuki Sato, Kengo Mayumi, Kenji Tamai, and Hiroyuki Takahashi A case of undiagnosed anterior mediastinal tumor diagnosed as TAFRO syndrome by reexamination Journal of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine 29(4) 285-6 2022/3
Aya Sakuma, Asami Ueda, Toshiaki Ikeda, Kenji Tamai, Hiroyuki Takahashi, and Tomoyuki Sato Three cases of acute subdural hematoma following cardiac surgery at our hospital Journal of the Japanese Society of Clinical Anesthesiology 42(4) 323-327 2022/7
Hitomi Kurose, Asami Ueda, Takanori Sato, Mari Nagabuchi, Hiroyuki Takahashi, and Tomoyuki Sato A case of systemic capillary leak syndrome after laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy anesthesia 70(2) 147-151 2021/2

Requested manuscript

First author / co-author Title Magazine Volume and Issue page the publisher Publication date
Tomoyuki Sato Acid-base disturbances Emergency / intensive care 33(2) 395 General Medicine Company 2021/06/20
Tomoyuki Sato and Matsuo Tsunami Perioperative temperature management in patients with severe cold agglutinin disease LiSA 29(3) 211 Medical Sciences International 2022/3/1
Aya Sakuma, Keisuke Ota, and others Chapter 9 Perioperative Management The Essence of Intensive Care: What You Should Know That No One Told You 217 Katsuseido Publishing 2022/1
Kasumi Ichizono, Hideki Taniguchi, Yuki Sato, Saki Kunimoto Preoperative nutritional management efforts through multidisciplinary team medical care-A trial of prehabilitation using leucine-enriched beverages- Nutrition Management Expert 2019 No.23 32-38 Japan Medical Planning 2019
Hideki Taniguchi, Hiroyuki Takahashi, Tomoyuki Sato Anesthesiology medical team Nutrition support teams and Anesthesiology anesthesia 69(3) 271-280 Katsuseido 2020/3
Hideki Taniguchi, Masaki Takenouchi, Takaaki Kamada, Tomoyuki Sato, Mari Nagabuchi Postoperative nausea and vomiting measures ② How to use the drug Monthly Nursing 40(5) Part1, 12 Gakken Medical Shujunsha 2020/4
Hideki Taniguchi, Mari Nagahuchi, Takaaki Kamada, Kikuko Suga, Tomoyuki Sato, Tomomi Ueda, Tatsuo Yamamoto Effect of scheduled intravenous acetaminophen on postoperative nausea and vomiting in patients undergoing laparoscopic gynecologic surgery Journal of Anesthesia 34(4) 502-511 Springer Verlag 2020/8
Noriko Suga Measures against nausea and vomiting Monthly Nursing 38(11) 16-19 Gakken Medical Shujunsha 2018/9/20
Tomoyuki Sato Intraoperative complications with predictable signs OPE nursing 31(11) 1090-1103 2016/11/1

Conference presentation

Leading performer / co-star Title Society name Date of announcement Host city
宮澤慶史、今井恵理哉、白杉由香理、三井ゆりか、成川研介、高橋強志 ドキソルビシン初回投与後に急性心筋炎を起こし、経時的に心筋に高吸収域が生じたマントル細胞リンパ腫の一例 日本血液学会第19回関東甲信越地方会 2023/7/15 Kofu
宮澤慶史、五月女浩子、竹田渓輔、冨田真晴、谷口英喜、佐藤智行 当施設における術後悪心嘔吐 (PONV)対策とPONV発生率の変遷についての後方視的検討 日本麻酔科学会関東甲信越・東京支部第63回合同学術集会 2023/9/2 Tokyo
宮澤慶史、田中敬大、松岡雄治、佐藤貴紀、秋山容平 心筋梗塞後心室中隔穿孔に対してIMPELLAとVA-ECMOを導入し待機的中隔穿孔閉鎖術を施行した一例 日本心臓血管麻酔学会第28回学術大会 2023/9/16-9/17 奈良 Web開催
松岡雄治、斎藤明、中山博介、鎌田高彰、谷口英喜、佐藤智行 当院患者支援センターで新たに取り組んだプレハビリテーション(術前介入)の後方視的検討 日本麻酔科学会関東甲信越・東京支部第63回合同学術集会 2023/9/2 Tokyo
五月女浩子、酒井元輝、松尾津波、稲垣里穂、佐藤貴紀、上田朝美 呼気終末二酸化炭素分圧(EtCO2)の急激な上昇を契機に横隔膜損傷、肝損傷に気づいたロボット支援呼吸器外科手術の一例 日本麻酔科学会関東甲信越・東京支部第63回合同学術集会 2023/9/2 Tokyo
酒井元輝、宮澤慶史、橘秀基、津田匠太、田中敬大、秋山容平 全身麻酔下でTURBT (Transurethral Resection of Bladder Tumor)中に低酸素血症を認め膀胱穿孔が鑑別に上がった一例 日本麻酔科学会関東甲信越・東京支部第63回合同学術集会 2023/9/2 Tokyo
Toshiaki Ikeda, Tsunami Matsuo, Takahiro Tanaka, Tomoharu Konzaki A case of malignant lymphoma undergoing simultaneous airway stent removal and laser ablation of bronchial granulation tissue after remission 2022 Branch Academic Meeting of the Japanese Anesthesiology 62nd Joint Academic Meeting of the Kanto-Koshinetsu and Tokyo Branches 2022/9/2-10/3 Online
Yusei Sato A case of total spinal anesthesia caused by saline injection through an epidural catheter that had migrated into the subarachnoid space 9th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Regional Anesthesiology 2022/4/16 Okinawa
Yuji Matsuoka, Yohei Akiyama, Takanori Sato, Keita Tanaka, and Tsunami Matsuo A case of infective endocarditis diagnosed by transesophageal echocardiography following an infectious splenic artery aneurysm with abscess formation The 27th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiology 2022/09/17-09/18 Online
Hideki Tachibana, Toshiaki Ikeda, Morihiko Kawate, Yuuki Sato, Hideki Taniguchi, Tomoyuki Sato Correlation between ASA classification and phase angle in patients scheduled for surgery at our institution The 68th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Anesthesiology 2021/6/3-2021/7/9 Online
Takanori Sato A case of TAFRO syndrome with elevated procalcitonin levels The 49th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine 2022/3/18-20 Online
Riho Inagaki, Yuji Matsuoka, Hirosuke Nakayama, Kozue Miura, Yohei Akiyama, Tomoyuki Sato A case of successful anesthesia management for plastic surgery for cervical spondylotic myelopathy due to ankylosing spondylitis with severe bony changes The 61st Joint Academic Meeting of the Kanto-Koshinetsu and Tokyo Branches of the Japanese Society Anesthesiology 2021/09/04-10/04 Online event
Riho Inagaki, Asami Ueda, Takanori Sato, Aya Sakuma, Hirosuke Nakayama, Yuuki Sato, Kenji Tamai, Hiroto Fujii, Hiroyuki Takahashi, Tomoyuki Sato A case of perioperative acute severe liver failure due to acetaminophen and septic shock that could not be saved Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine Academic Meeting
The 5th Kanto-Koshinetsu Branch Academic Conference
2021/06/12 Online event
Tsunami Matsuo, Riho Inagaki, Keisuke Takeda, Masaharu Tomita, Ikue Saito, Tomoyuki Sato A case of spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid hypovolemia complicated by chronic subdural hematoma successfully treated with a single epidural blood injection The 61st Joint Academic Meeting of the Kanto-Koshinetsu and Tokyo Branches of the Japanese Society Anesthesiology 2021/09/04-10/04 Online event
Tsunami Matsuo, Yukihide Koyama, Haruko Nishikawa, Yoriko Murase, Megumi Morita, and Koichi Tsuzaki A case of severe cold agglutinin disease treated with multifaceted perioperative warming measures The 61st Joint Academic Meeting of the Kanto-Koshinetsu and Tokyo Branches of the Japanese Society Anesthesiology 2021/09/04-10/04 Online event
Takanori Sato, Hitomi Kurose, Keisuke Takeda, Yohei Akiyama, and Tomoyuki Sato A case of re-expansion pulmonary edema and contralateral pneumothorax during thoracoscopic mitral valve repair requiring VA-ECMO due to severe postoperative acidemia The 25th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiology 2020/9/20-11/14 WEB event
Hideki Taniguchi, Tomoyuki Sato, Takaaki Kamata, Takehiro Kudo, Satoshi Minamimura The practice and effectiveness of nutritional intervention in prehabilitation The 25th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiology 2020/9/20-11/14 WEB event
Toshiaki Ikeda, Norihisa Suga, Misa Nakanishi, Takaaki Kamada, Hideki Taniguchi, Tomoyuki Sato Effect of dexamethasone dose on the incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting Japan Anesthesiology 66th Annual Meeting Society 2015/5/30 Kobe
Riho Inagaki, Makoto Tomita, Hitomi Kurose, Keisuke Takeda, Yohei Akiyama, Tomoyuki Sato A case of cesarean section with a large amount of ascites during the operation Kanto Koshinetsu / Tokyo Branch 59th Joint Academic Meeting 2019/9/7 Tokyo
Hideki Tachibana, Kozue Miura, Takanori Sato, Tatsuo Yamamoto, Daigo Togawa, Tomoyuki Sato Emergency surgery for hyperthyroidism Kanto Koshinetsu / Tokyo Branch 59th Joint Academic Meeting 2019/9/7 Tokyo
Yusei Sato, Asami Ueda, Toshiaki Ikeda, Hirosuke Nakayama, Natsuko Aoyama, Tomoyuki Sato A case of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis who underwent battery replacement for a continuous baclofen intrathecal injection pump and performed anesthesia management with the erector spinae muscle surface block alone. Kanto Koshinetsu / Tokyo Branch 59th Joint Academic Meeting 2019/9/7 Tokyo
Hitomi Kurose, Keisuke Takeda, Yusei Sato, Yohei Akiyama, Daigo Togawa, Mari Nagabuchi,
Noriko Suga, Tomoyuki Sato
Examination of 10 cases of esophageal injury due to transesophageal echocardiography in MitraClip The 24th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2019/9/20 Kyoto
Hirosuke Nakayama Riichiro Kanai Takashi Komatsuzaki Daigo Togawa Toshiaki Ikeda Keisuke Takeda Saki Takaoka Shinichi Kimura Hiroyuki Takahashi Tomoyuki Sato A case in which aspiration pneumonia occurred due to the influence of a huge pharyngeal mass and intubation management was required, but tracheal intubation was difficult. 46th Intensive Care Society General Assembly 2019/3/1-3 Kyoto
Saki Takaoka, Takaaki Kamada, Tomoyuki Sato Experience of anesthesia in cases of severe airway stenosis due to esophageal submucosal tumor The 38th Clinical Anesthesiology Society 2018/11/1-3 Kokura
Toshiaki Ikeda, Mari Nagabuchi, Takaaki Kamada, Maharu Tomita, Saki Takaoka, Tomoyuki Sato A case in which a good perioperative course was obtained by using a dry concentrated human prothrombin complex preparation in emergency surgery of a patient who took warfarin potassium. Anesthesiology Society of Koshinetsu Tokyo Branch 59th Joint Annual Meeting 2018/9/1 Shinjuku
Keisuke Takeda, Yoshihide Suga, Daigo Togawa, Yohei Akiyama, Hirosuke Nakayama, Tomoyuki Sato Comparison of the incidence of nausea and vomiting with and without epidural droperidol after cesarean section Anesthesiology Society of Koshinetsu Tokyo Branch 58th Joint Annual Meeting 2018/9/1 Shinjuku
Yusei Sato, Yohei Akiyama, Yoshihide Suga, Takashi Komatsuzaki, Takaaki Kamada, Tomoyuki Sato A case of perivalvular regurgitation requiring repair after aortic valve replacement for aortic regurgitation associated with membranous ventricular septal defect The 23rd Cardiovascular Anesthesia Society 2018/9/14-16 Shinjuku
Yusei Sato, Takaaki Kamada, Takashi Komatsuzaki, Natsuko Aoyama, Kana Arai, Riichiro Kanai, Hiroyuki Takahashi, Tomoyuki Sato A case of refractory pneumothorax who underwent conscious intubation with Neuroreptanalgesia (NLA) and bronchoscopic bronchoembolization under spontaneous breathing. Intensive Care Society Kanto Koshinetsu Branch 2nd Academic Meeting 2018/6/30 Utsunomiya
Natsuko Aoyama, Hideki Taniguchi, Tomoyuki Sato, Takashi Komatsuzaki, Yohei Akiyama, Makoto Tomita Examination of the effect of the introduction of intravenous acetaminophen after laparoscopic gallbladder resection 65th Japan Anesthesiology Society 2018/5/17-19 Yokohama
Yusei Sato, Takaaki Kamada, Masaki Takenouchi, Hideki Taniguchi, Mari Nagabuchi, Tomoyuki Sato Relationship between perioperative nutritional assessment (sarcopenia and PNI) at our facility, reoperation rate, and length of stay 65th Japan Anesthesiology Society 2018/5/17-19 Yokohama
Yuta Kakinuma, Takaaki Kamada, Takashi Komatsuzaki, Mari Nagabuchi, Toru Sasaki, Taku Akashi, Tomohiko Orita, Masayuki Shimizu, Hajime Yamazaki, Tomoyuki Sato Cases of bilateral femoral trunk fractures that were difficult to diagnose with fat embolism The 44th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine 2017/3/9 Sapporo
Daigo Togawa, Yohei Akiyama, Ken Akao, Natsuko Miyagi, Ensei Akiyama, Tetsuya Hoshino, Kazuya Omura, Shinichi Kimura, Hiroyuki Takahashi, Tomoyuki Sato 1 Chorion 2 A case of pulmonary edema after cesarean section of amniotic twins The 44th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine 2017/3/9 Sapporo
Ken Akao, Haruto Fujita, Makoto Tomita, Yohei Akiyama, Daigo Togawa, Takashi Komatsuzaki, Ikuko Komatsu, Mari Nagabuchi, Tomoyuki Sato A case of successful multidisciplinary treatment for lower limb paraplegia after ascending arch replacement 21st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2016/9/16 Yokohama
Natsuko Miyagi, Yohei Akiyama, Mari Nagabuchi, Ikuko Komatsu, Makoto Tomita, Tomoyuki Sato Robot-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy (RALP) changes due to accumulated experience-retrospective study of changes in anesthesia time, surgery time, bleeding volume, complications, and postoperative hospital stay Japan Anesthesiology 56th Joint Annual Meeting Society of Koshinetsu, Tokyo Branch 2016/9/3 Yokohama
Ken Akao, Natsuko Miyagi, Kozue Miura, Daigo Togawa, Takashi Komatsuzaki, Takaaki Kamada A case in which anaphylactic shock could not be prevented immediately after the introduction of the second general anesthesia Japan Anesthesiology 56th Joint Annual Meeting Society of Koshinetsu, Tokyo Branch 2016/9/3 Yokohama
Daigo Togawa, Takashi Komatsuzaki, Yohei Akiyama, Ikuko Komatsu, Hiroyuki Takahashi, Tomoyuki Sato Retrospective study of renal dysfunction using preoperative and postoperative serum creatinine levels of the apex approach (TA) and femoral artery approach (TF) in transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVI) Japan Anesthesiology 62nd Annual Meeting Society 2016/5/26 Fukuoka
Shinichi Kimura, Kunio Kanao, Kazuya Omura, Tetsuya Hoshino, Yohei Akiyama, Tomoyuki Sato, Hiroyuki Takahashi Examination of super-elderly people in this ICU The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine 2016/2/14 Kobe
Takashi Komatsuzaki, Makoto Tomita, Yohei Akiyama, Ensei Akiyama, Taku Akashi, Masayuki Shimizu, Yosuke Kobayashi, Hajime Yamazaki, Hiroyuki Takahashi, Tomoyuki Sato A case of gastrointestinal perforation such as Boerhaave syndrome that developed twice in a short period of time, but made a good turning point by multidisciplinary treatment. The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine 2016/2/13 Kobe
Kazuya Omura, Tetsuya Hoshino, Kunio Kanao, Shinichi Kimura, Tomoyuki Sato, Hiroyuki Takahashi Examination of fluid load in the acute phase after Cardiovascular Surgery The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine 2016/2/13 Kobe
Haruto Fujita, Makoto Tomita, Yohei Akiyama, Ensei Akiyama, Tetsuya Hoshino, Kunio Kanao, Kazuya Omura, Shinichi Kimura, Hiroyuki Takahashi, Tomoyuki Sato A case of COPD patient who required differentiation of TACO, fat embolism, and Sepsis due to dyspnea that developed after total hip arthroplasty The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine 2016/2/13 Kobe
Tomoyuki Sato Chair CP18 Airway, respiration, respiration management The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine 2016/2/12 Kobe
Kazutaka Segami, Takashi Komatsuzaki, Daigo Togawa, Ikuko Komatsu, Tomoyuki Sato A case of pericarditis found after opening the heart after discontinuing coronary artery bypass grafting The 20th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2015/10/9 Fukuoka
Makoto Tomita, Takashi Komatsuzaki, Daigo Togawa, Yohei Akiyama, Ayano Teshigawara, Hiroyuki Takahashi A case in which the effect of subcutaneously administered remifentanil was prolonged due to infusion leakage, respiratory depression occurred after extubation, and reintubation was required. Kanto Koshinetsu / Tokyo Branch 55th Joint Academic Meeting 2015/9/5 Yokohama
Tsuguharu Fujita, Mari Nagabuchi, Ikuko Komatsu, Tsuguharu Akiyama, Kazuya Omura, Tomoyuki Sato Three cases of subcutaneous emphysema of the neck during laparoscopic surgery and managed in the postoperative intensive care unit Kanto Koshinetsu / Tokyo Branch 55th Joint Academic Meeting 2015/9/5 Yokohama
Yurika Endo, Tomoyuki Sato, Miki Okouchi, Kazutaka Segami, Mari Nagabuchi, Yoshitaka Toyota Examination of prophylactic arterial balloon placement and anesthesia in placenta previa with possible placenta accreta Japan Anesthesiology 62nd Annual Meeting Society 2015/5/29 Kobe
Yohei Akiyama, Tomoyuki Sato, Daigo Togawa, Ikuko Komatsu, Yoko Saeki, Yoshitaka Toyota Comparison of apex approach and femoral artery approach in transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVI) Japan Anesthesiology 62nd Annual Meeting Society 2015/5/29 Kobe
Tomoyuki Sato Chair DP13 Infection 2 The 42nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine 2015/2/11 Tokyo
Kana Yoshino, Yoko Saeki, Yohei Akiyama, Miki Okouchi, Yoshitaka Toyoda Anesthesia experience of emergency aneurysm resection for imminent rupture of giant external carotid artery aneurysm Japan Anesthesiology Society of Koshinetsu Tokyo Branch 54th Joint Annual Meeting 2014/8/30 Tokyo
Yohei Akiyama, Yoko Saeki, Kana Yoshino, Miki Okouchi, Yoshitaka Toyoda A case of a giant right coronary artery aneurysm diagnosed with an angina attack combined with a cerebral aneurysm Japan Anesthesiology Society of Koshinetsu Tokyo Branch 54th Joint Annual Meeting 2014/8/30 Tokyo
Kazutaka Segami, Yoko Saeki, Yohei Akiyama, Miki Okouchi, Yoshitaka Toyota A case of pheochromocytoma diagnosed with persistent hypertension after cesarean section Japan Anesthesiology Society of Koshinetsu Tokyo Branch 54th Joint Annual Meeting 2014/8/30 Tokyo
Yurika Endo, Yoko Saeki, Miki Okouchi, Yohei Akiyama, Ikuko Komatsu, Yoshitaka Toyota A case of pulmonary edema with an anaphylactic reaction caused by sugammadex Japan Anesthesiology Society of Koshinetsu Tokyo Branch 54th Joint Annual Meeting 2014/8/30 Tokyo
Ensei Akiyama, Kazuya Omura, Tetsuya Hoshino, Shinichi Kimura, Masayuki Watanabe, Yuji Kohata, Yohei Akiyama, Hiroyuki Takahashi Establishment of safety management team for epidural catheter accident removal The 23rd Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine Kanto Koshinetsu Regional Association 2014/8/23 Tokyo
Yuta Suzuki, Yoko Saeki, Kana Yoshino, Miki Okouchi, Kimiaki Ai, Yoshitaka Toyoda Comparison of Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy and Postpubic Prostatectomy Japan Anesthesiology 61st Annual Meeting Society 2014/5/15 Yokohama

Research meetings, discussion meetings, etc.

Speaker Title Lecture name Date of lecture Host city
Tomoyuki Watanabe (caretaker Tomoyuki Sato) Lower limb block front The 3rd Yokohama / Kawasaki District Perioperative Pain Management Seminar 2016/11/24 Yokohama (Tobu Hospital)
Ryoichi Ochiai (Chairman Tomoyuki Sato) The secret of Omori Hospital that no one tells Seminar on perioperative management 2016/1/26 Yokohama (Tobu Hospital)
Hirojun Ueshima (Caretaker Tomoyuki Sato) Looking back on the 10 years of TAP block The 2nd Yokohama / Kawasaki District Perioperative Pain Management Seminar 2015/7/31 Yokohama (Tobu Hospital)
Minoru Kato (Caretaker Yoshitaka Toyota) Aiming to establish a safe ultrasound-guided nerve block The 1st Yokohama Kawasaki District Perioperative Pain Management Seminar 2014/7/3 Yokohama (Tobu Hospital)


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