"Choju Riha" exhibition is being held at the gallery in front of auditorium on the 3rd floor (planned in conjunction with the 12/10 stroke public lecture)
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- The "Torijuu Riha" exhibition is currently being held in the gallery in front of auditorium on the 3rd floor (linked to the 12/10 public lecture on stroke)
December 7, 2023For patients and the general public
The "Torijuu Riha" exhibition is currently being held in the gallery in front of auditorium on the 3rd floor (linked to the 12/10 public lecture on stroke)
We are currently holding an exhibition of "Torijuu Riha" artworks in the gallery in front of auditorium on the 3rd floor of our hospital from December 4th to December 15th.
This project is linked to the public lecture "How to prevent stroke, and what to do if you already have a stroke: Stroke rehabilitation" to be held on Sunday, December 10th from 1:00pm in our hospital's auditorium.
The author of "Torijuu Riha" is Murakoshi Masaaki, who will be speaking in the course's discussion section.
After suffering a stroke and being hospitalized in 2015, Murakoshi began painting while he was undergoing rehabilitation.
It's very unique in that healthcare workers are depicted as different animals. It's also wonderful that the illustrations on the food cards change over time, which is encouraging to see.
Please come and enjoy the humorous world of "Choju Riha," which is not a Choju Giga painting.