Information disclosure

Voice from everyone

In order to improve our patient services, we have installed suggestion boxes in 19 locations throughout the hospital. The opinions submitted will be shared within the hospital and used to improve our operations and encourage our staff. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who cooperated with us.



2021 Patient Satisfaction Survey Results (Outpatient)

2021 Patient Satisfaction Survey Results (Inpatient) 

2024年9月 患者さんからのご意見 

Management and audit of public research funds

Based on the "Guidelines for the Management and Audit of Public Research Funds at Research Institutions (Implementation Standards)", Saiseikai Yokohamashi Tobu Hospital has established the following systems for the proper operation and management of public research funds at our hospital.


1. Role of the person responsible for preventing misconduct in research using competitive funds, etc.

Person in Charge 役職(担当者) Responsibilities, authorities, roles and duties
Chief Administrative Officer Director
(Director Mikata)
・Draw up and disseminate basic policies for preventing misconduct in research activities and take the necessary measures to implement them. Also, exercise appropriate leadership to ensure that the General Manager and Compliance Promotion Officer are able to operate and manage competitive funds responsibly.
・When staff at the facility begin research using competitive funds, these administrative tasks will be handled by the accounting office within the facility in order to reduce the burden on staff and to promote transparency in accounting for subsidies and early execution of the funds.
General Manager センター長
・Assist the Chief Administrator and have substantial responsibility and authority for overall management of research misconduct prevention and compliance education

- Based on the basic policy, formulate specific measures to prevent misconduct in research activities, monitor the overall status of their implementation, and report to the Chief Administrator as necessary.

- Determine the need for temporary monitoring

If the allegations do not apply to our institution but to other research institutions or funding agencies, we will forward the allegations to those other research institutions and funding agencies.

- When an accusation of misconduct is received, a preliminary investigation will be conducted and the necessity of a full investigation will be reported to the Research Misconduct Prevention Committee.

If it is determined that a full investigation into fraud is necessary, an investigative committee including outside members will be convened to conduct the investigation.

Compliance Promotion Officer 部長
-Have the responsibility and authority to promote prevention of research misconduct and compliance education in our hospital.
・Implement measures to prevent misconduct in research activities and report the implementation status to the General Manager
- Properly check whether staff members are taking measures to prevent misconduct in research activities and provide guidance on making improvements as necessary.
- If any discrepancies arise between the current situation and the fraud prevention measures, they will be revised as necessary.
・ Person responsible for monitoring
Deputy Compliance Promotion Officer
(Research Fund Misuse Prevention Officer)
Administrative Director
(Administrative Director Orito)
Assist the Compliance Promotion Officer and periodically check whether administrative procedures are being carried out appropriately regarding the management and execution of competitive funds, etc., and provide guidance on improvements as necessary.

・Person responsible for auditing

- Use a self-inspection checklist once a year to check whether the management and auditing of research expenses such as competitive funds at the institution are being carried out as required, and report to the Compliance Promotion Officer.

Deputy Compliance Promotion Officer
(Specific fraud prevention officer)
Assist the Compliance Promotion Officer in checking whether specific misconduct has occurred in research activities and providing guidance on making improvements as necessary.


2. Contact point for preventing misconduct in research using competitive funds, etc.

Types of counters Department and person in charge business
Research Consultation Desk I Clinical Research Support Office Research-related consultation desk
Research Consultation Desk II Accounting Department Consultation desk for the management and operation of research funds, etc.
Reporting fraud hotline Administrative Director A contact point for accepting complaints of research misconduct from both inside and outside the university

Related regulations, etc.

  1. Regulations for preventing misconduct in research using competitive funds at Saiseikai Yokohamashi Tobu Hospital
  2. Suspension of transactions related to fraudulent transactions

電話 045-576-3000(代表)

Kanagawa Prefecture Medical Function Information Report

Based on the partial amendment of the Medical Care Act that came into force on April 1, 2007, administrators of hospitals, etc. are now required to report information on the medical functions of said hospitals, etc. (medical function information) to the prefectures. The prefectures are to collect this information and provide it to residents and patients in an easy-to-understand format.

Medical function information report form

Saiseikai Yokohamashi Tobu Hospital Hospital Index

With the aim of letting people know about the characteristics of our hospital and the current state of acute care in Japan, we are creating hospital indicators based on DPC data and a nationally standardized definition and format, and are promoting the disclosure of this information.
We will review the hospital's various functions and medical treatment status in order to improve the quality of medical care.

Saiseikai Yokohamashi Tobu Hospital Hospital Index

Efforts to reduce the burden on medical workers and improve their working conditions

At our hospital, we believe that in order to provide high-quality medical care, it is important to improve the working environment for medical staff, and we are working on the following items.

Promoting division of labor

・Enhancing any team medical care (respiratory therapy support team, nutritional support team, diabetes care team, comprehensive elderly care team, etc.)
・Promotion of multi-disciplinary ward placement (Pharmacist, Physical Therapist, Clinical Dietitian, etc.)
-Registered Nurse administering an intravenous injection
・Utilization of nursing assistants
・Promotion of clinical pathways
・Improved patient support before hospitalization

Introduction of medical administrative assistants

・Assistance with the preparation of any medical documents
・Entering medical records (charts) on your behalf
・Supporting statistical work to improve the quality of medical care

Cooperation with regional medical institutions

・Strengthening cooperation with local medical institutions
・Promotion of regional collaborative clinical pathways

Initiatives to reduce outpatient care

・Comprehensive support for reverse introductions
・Promotion of referral outpatient system

Improved working conditions

・Improvement of in-hospital childcare and childcare for sick children
・Introduction of part-time full-time employee system
・Optimizing working hours for medical workers


First-visit appointment online and by phone (some clinical department) ・
You can change/confirm/cancel your reservation.

Consultation / inquiry

Information on the consultation desk and how to contact us
You can see it.